Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 3 - November 11

On this day a finalization of the rules, as well as creation of a prototype model of the game was developed. For the rules, Scott, Atif, and Ralph developed the finer points of the game. This included, developing the amount of cost and gain when the band plays a venue. A system was developed which allows for an even distribution of income and skill among the bands. Also, a dice-rolling system was created which allows for even game play. It allows each individual to have an even chance of success or failure. A dispersion of money, allows for the individual in the band to either dominate the board or have to wait to build up their status. In the process of determing monetary values, a system of chance cards was created. These cards can either be detrimental or helpful to the status of the band. Dan continued working on finalizing the board, in order to make a working prototype. He added pathways as well as relayered the entire map, we then fixited the printed out product to a piece of poster board. Afterwards, the groups played the game and called it a night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 2 - November 5

This day was filled with various projects as well as numerous setbacks. Our board design was discovered to be incoherent with the layout of the game. This meant a total redevelopment of our board design. Dan and Ralph both worked on this aspect of the board, in the end creating a visual appealing and accessible board. A new layout image was used for the background of the countries, as well as the placingof stars to signify the locations of the cities. Scott and Atif worked on development of the rules and game play. In this process, they were able to confirm and design a workable playing structure for the game concept. This included a modification to the amount of venues at each city. As well as development of specific oriented venues based on their location. A formalization of the money aspect as well as traits was developed by using fake money and rolling of the dice. A foundation of the card aspect was also planned out in relation to the rules. Conceptual desgin of the cover of the box was also developed which has paved the way for the creation of the website. In the end of day, the final product was a completed board and a coherent set of rules.

Day 1 - October 29

The creation of the board for Rock Star Legend was the main focus of our group. Dan and Ralph graphed a map of the United States and Europe in photoshop. He then overlayed various musical images to make the board more appealing. Technical problems ensued as photshop was unable to modify the image to our specified viewpoint. In the end of the day, the final product of the board was not good enough to our standards and was scrapped. At the same time board creation was occurring, Scott and Atif worked on developing various venues at which the players will play at. A list of ten venues was developed, which each player had the opportunity to participate at. Rules were also modified and loosely confirmed during our workday.